

Most of us know that strength training (with free weights, weight machines, or resistance bands) can help build and maintain muscle mass and strength. What many of us don’t know is that strong muscles lead to strong bones. And strong bones can help minimize the risk of fracture due to osteoporosis.

A combination of age-related changes, inactivity, and inadequate nutrition conspire to gradually steal bone mass, at the rate of 1% per year after age 40. As bones grow more fragile and susceptible to fracture, they are more likely to break after even a minor fall or a far less obvious stress, such as bending over to tie a shoelace.

Osteoporosis should be a concern for all of us. An estimated eight million women and two million men in the United States have osteoporosis. It is now responsible for more than two million fractures each year, and experts expect that number will rise. Hip fractures are usually the most serious. Six out of 10 people who break a hip never fully regain their former level of independence. Even walking across a room without help may become impossible.




10 Day Challenge
1 Point- Quality: Minimum of 7 hours in bed (lights off to lights on) If you have a Whoop or sleep tracker, even better, 7 hours of sleep!
1 Point- Quality: No screens 1 hour prior to your chosen bedtime. 
1 Point- Consistency: Choose a bedtime, stay within 30 minutes (+/-) of your bedtime. Even on weekends!



Your nutrition plays a key role in where you end up on that final leaderboard of the CrossFit Open. Going the extra mile with fueling, hydration and recovery can be a game-changer. Check out our blog post on how best to dial in your nutrition to prepare for the CrossFit Open in 2022.

By: M2 Performance Nutrition
Full Article Here: ​​https://www.m2performancenutrition.com/blog/the-crossfit-open-nutrition-guide


“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.”
-James Clear



Human beings are social animals. One individual, no matter how powerful, how clever, cannot survive without other human beings. So the best way to fulfill your wishes, to reach your goals, is to help others, to make more friends.

How do we create more friends? Trust. How do you develop trust? It’s simple: You show your genuine sense of concern for their well-being. Then trust will come. Without trust, there is no friendship.



“The five most dangerous words in business are: Everybody else is doing it.”
-Warren Buffett

Just because so many people are doing something, doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do. Listen to your instincts. Follow your heart and blaze your own trail.
-Sarah Gardner (Daily JAM)


Well done is better than well said.
-Benjamin Franklin

Talk is cheap.
Anyone can talk.
Not everyone chooses to do.