
Nutrition can get overwhelming and distracting with new-trendy information. When it comes to nutrition, we need to make sure that we are consistently crushing the fundamentals first.

Nutrition Fundamentals:
Eat Real Food: Real food was once alive and doesn’t come from a box or container. If it has a long shelf life, if it is a man-made, edible, food-like substance – it is NOT food. 
Not Too Much: There are a number of ways to “measure” this. For some it may be tracking calories/macros. . . 3-4 meals a day, no seconds, and no snacking. . . Eating mindfully. . . Intermittent fasting. . . etc. The goal is to keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat.


It’s really not the hour at the gym.

We understand that the greatest adaptation is the one between the ears. It’s not about the hour in the gym. It’s about how the hour in the gym affects the other 23 hours of the day. We are becoming better, stronger, more formidable human beings because of the hardships we go through. We are not looking for the shortcut. We want the opposite. We want the hardest possible thing because we understand what’s on the other side of it:

A better version of ourselves.


Have A Routine

“The truth is that a good routine is not only a source of great comfort and stability, it’s the platform from which stimulations and fulfilling work is possible.”
-Ryan Holiday

When you have a routine, it helps quiet your mind because it limits the amount of choices you need to make. It creates structure inside the chaos. A routine provides a platform to practice presence. The greater number of details in your life that you can set to a routine, the less amount of clutter you will have in your mind.
-Sarah Gardner (Daily JAM)


The way you treat one person impacts your trust and relationship with everyone; the people you lead are looking at you all the time, and your behavior tells them a lot about how trustworthy you are.