
“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has already taken place”. – George Bernard Shaw

Have you ever believed that you were on the same page with someone, but, as it turned out, not even close?

Sometimes we can be so sure that we have communicated everything properly, that we don’t even consider it to be a possibility.

Happens all the time, and definitely to all of us. What’s interesting is that it’s never about effort, or the lack thereof. It’s about perspective.

What we actually don’t want to do is “communicate” more. Part of it might actually need less.

What we may need, is to understand more. To place ourselves in their shoes. If I were them, what questions would I have? If I were them, how would I feel about this?

The illusion that Shaw refers to in the quote is the entrapment of our perspective.
Detach and think… if roles were reversed, is this clear?


“I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” – Bruce Lee

We would all come to quickly agree that quality repetition, through honed, focused practice, breeds mastery.

We recognize this in our sport, thinking of complex movements such as squat snatches and double-unders.

What we don’t always talk about, is how this concept applies to our social lives. We are quick to see that we need more practice reps on the double-under to get better. Can we be just as quick to identify we need more repetitions on being more forgiving? On being more receptive to feedback? On maintaining an open-mind, despite having our own strong opinions?

Just like on the jump rope… seek out the reps.


“I can accept failure. Everyone fails at one time. But I can’t accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan is re-known for his incredible work ethic.
In this quote he speaks to the dedication to the process.

Whether our goals are in the gym, at work, or at home, this central theme rings true:
That we don’t commit to the achievement. We commit to giving our absolute best to the journey. We give the process our very best. And wherever the cards fall, they fall.

Let’s join him. We will accept the trials, the tribulations, and the failures as they come.
But what we can’t accept is never trying.



Turning “we” into “i” turns wellness into illness.

Scientists and researchers at Columbia University found that people who disproportionately use the first person pronouns- I, me, mine- have significantly greater risk of having a heart attack. Excessive self-focus distorts our perspective so that even small problems appear out of proportion and unbearable, which leads to stress and disease.

When you focus too much on yourself , you become disconnected and alienated from others. In the end, you also become alienated from yourself, since the need for connection with others is such a fundamental part of who we are as human beings.



How can we increase our performance for the 2022 Open right now?
We can’t get stronger in two days. . . we can’t get fitter in two days. . . but there are a lot of things in our control!

Our. . .
Stress Levels

Let’s make it a point to focus on the things in our control over the days leading up to the Open. The work is done, now it’s time to fine tune and focus on what we can control!!



Insufficient Sleep and Food Cravings
1) We produce our own “endocannabinoids” which increase food cravings
2) Insufficient sleep increases our production and release of our natural endocannabinoids by up to 20%% increasing hunger levels by up to 30%
3) We eat 300-400 extra calories a day when we get insufficient sleep
4) Even if you are doing this during the week, it could be upwards of 6,000 calories extra a month



In this episode Adee and Michael (Working Against Gravity) are sharing some of their experience training for competition and giving an inside look at how that might alter your nutrition requirements.

What you’ll learn:

Nutrition and competition
How to eat before & after competition
Examples of foods that may or may not work for you
Proteins vs fats vs carbs leading up to competition
How to figure out what foods work best for you




“Capability is confirmed and grows in its corresponding actions, walking by walking, and running by running. . . therefore, if you want to do something, make it a habit.”

James Clear identifies in his book Atomic Habits, that there are four main components to developing habits. First is a cue or a trigger to act, then craving for a change in state, followed by a response or action, and ultimately there is a reward.
-Sarah Gardner (Daily JAM)



Most of us know that strength training (with free weights, weight machines, or resistance bands) can help build and maintain muscle mass and strength. What many of us don’t know is that strong muscles lead to strong bones. And strong bones can help minimize the risk of fracture due to osteoporosis.

A combination of age-related changes, inactivity, and inadequate nutrition conspire to gradually steal bone mass, at the rate of 1% per year after age 40. As bones grow more fragile and susceptible to fracture, they are more likely to break after even a minor fall or a far less obvious stress, such as bending over to tie a shoelace.

Osteoporosis should be a concern for all of us. An estimated eight million women and two million men in the United States have osteoporosis. It is now responsible for more than two million fractures each year, and experts expect that number will rise. Hip fractures are usually the most serious. Six out of 10 people who break a hip never fully regain their former level of independence. Even walking across a room without help may become impossible.




10 Day Challenge
1 Point- Quality: Minimum of 7 hours in bed (lights off to lights on) If you have a Whoop or sleep tracker, even better, 7 hours of sleep!
1 Point- Quality: No screens 1 hour prior to your chosen bedtime. 
1 Point- Consistency: Choose a bedtime, stay within 30 minutes (+/-) of your bedtime. Even on weekends!